We take pride in the appearance of the children in school and encourage them to wear school uniform.
A positive attitude to appearance promotes similar attitudes to other aspects of school life.
Gamlingay Village Primary uniform will comprise:
Years 1-6
- Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan (badge optional)
- White polo shirt (badge optional)
- Grey skirt, pinafore dress, shorts or trousers
- Grey or black socks or tights
- Royal blue check dress (seasonal)
- Optional school fleece and/or reversible showerproof jacket (badged)
- Black school shoes
PE Kit – Years 1-6 children should wear their PE uniforms on PE days
- White collarless T-shirt (badge optional)
- Navy shorts or blue or black tracksuit bottoms
- Appropriate footwear
- Navy Blue sweatshirt (KS2 only)
- Royal Blue fleece
Reception ONLY
- Wellington boots
- White polo shirt (badge optional)
- Royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan (badge optional)
- Black or navy jogging bottoms or leggings
- Black school shoes
- Royal blue check dress (seasonal)
PE Kit:
- White collarless t-shirt (badge optional)
- Navy shorts or blue or black tracksuit bottoms
- Appropriate footwear
- School jumper or cardigan
Teachers may update parents/carers with regards to the timetable of activities and clothing required.
We also recommend all children in Reception and KS1 have a school book bag.
Uniform Suppliers
My clothing is the GVP uniform supplier. Orders can be placed at:
Gamlingay Village Primary (Uniform) – My Clothing
Gamlingay Village Primary (PE Kit) – My Clothing
Additional uniform guidelines:
- All clothes, shoes and possessions should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
- Children with pierced ears must only wear small plain studs to be removed during PE lessons.
- Hair should be worn in a sensible and neat style. For safety, and to help combat head lice, below shoulder length hair must be fastened into a plait or pony tail and be tied up for PE lessons.