Roosters Wraparound Care
Gamlingay Village Primary provides a wraparound breakfast and after school service, to care for the pupils of the school. Places are offered on a first-come first-served basis.
Bookings and payment
Parents must register their child by completing the booking and registration form, either obtained from the office or contacting Roosters directly on These forms must be completed in advance of your child attending wraparound care and the session must be confirmed by email. All payments must be made online via ParentPay prior to attending. If you have not made payment, your child cannot attend that session. You will be either turned away at the gate or called to collect your child from the school office, after school. We strongly advise booking a month in advance, in order to secure your requirements. Ad hoc sessions are available at the discretion of the setting manager Toni Tebbs and must be booked prior to attendance. Sessions are non-refundable. If a parent/carer is late to collect their child/children a charge of £10.00 per 5 minutes will be imposed for lateness. This will be added as a late charge via ParentPay. When collection after 5.00pm or 6.00pm occurs regularly, we reserve the right to withdraw access to the sessions. Any queries regarding fees, should be directed in the first instance to Toni Tebbs. We do not tolerate unacceptable behaviour and follow the school’s behaviour policy, this means we have the right to withdraw any access to the sessions, if we feel certain behaviours are impacting on the setting.
Breakfast Club
Monday – Friday 7.30am to 8.45am
From 7.30am - £5.50
This includes a buffet style breakfast toast with the choice of fruit, yogurt, cereal, juice, water, milk.
Activities include child directed free play, arts and crafts and a morning movie (certificated U or PG).
After School Club
Monday – Thursday 3.15pm to 6.00pm
Friday pm – Setting not open
No pm session on the last day of term.
3.15pm to 5.00pm including a healthy snack - £8.50
3.15pm to 6.00pm including a healthy snack and a light tea - £13.50
Activities include outside play on the small field (weather permitting), child directed free play, arts and crafts and a movie (certificated U or PG).
Any children attending After School Enrichment Clubs will be safely escorted to the after school club, once the enrichment activity has concluded. Upon arrival to the after school club, they will be marked in on the register.
Arrivals and departures
The safe arrival and departure of the children in our care is paramount. At Gamlingay Village Primary, staff will ensure that an accurate record is kept of all children in the sessions, and that any arrivals or departures are recorded in the registers. The registers are kept in an accessible location, on the premises, at all times. In addition, regular headcounts are carried out during the session.
Breakfast Club opens at 7.30am. Entry is via the gate at the left hand side of the school car park, this is the same door to be used for collection. Parents will need to buzz the doorbell, to let staff inside know someone is waiting to enter. Registration will be recorded at the time that the child arrives. At 8:45am, children will be accompanied to their classrooms, by a member of staff, in order to start the school day.
We are unable to dismiss children to adults, without the consent of a parent/carer and a password being given on request. Children can only be collected by an adult, who has been authorised to collect them on their registration form, or through informing the school office, in advance of the collection. Staff will contact the main parent/carer for confirmation, if they have any concerns regarding collection. Parents/carers must notify the office, if they will be late collecting their child.
The breakfast and after school club follow the school’s Safeguarding Policy, a copy of which is on the website. Gates will remain locked during the session times and children will not be able to exit without accompanied by a member of staff. No child will be admitted to the sessions without the relevant registration forms being completed, this is to ensure we can safeguard your child in the event of an emergency and that we are informed of your child’s medical needs
Contact details
WAC Lead – Mrs Toni Tebbs
Phone: 01767 650208 ext 31021 (during session time only)
If there are any emergencies or urgent requests outside session time, please contact the school office and Mrs Tebbs will be notified.