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Through our high-quality History curriculum at Gamlingay Village Primary, we want pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. This enables them to ask perceptive questions, weigh evidence, think critically, sift arguments and help them understand the way the past has impacted their lives today.  

Our intent, is to ignite the pupil’s curiosity and help them to understand the process of change, see how diverse society and relationships can be between different groups and provide a context for their growing sense of identity. 

We follow the content of the National Curriculum and our History curriculum follows a two-year cycle, cycle A and cycle B. 

Key Stage 1 

In KS1, the children build on the Early learning goal of Knowledge and Understanding of the World. Pupils should develop an awareness of the past and be taught about changes within living memory, significant events beyond living memory and about the lives of significant individuals who have contributed to national and international achievements. 

Our topics of Heroes, Explorers, Travel through the Ages, Our Local Area, London and its Landmarks are all History and Geography combined. Each topic has a knowledge organiser that reflects both domains  

Key Stage 2 

KS2 History has been split into British History (cycle A) and World History (cycle B)  

British history takes place in chronological order, starting with the Stone Age to Iron Age, Romans, Saxons and Vikings and then finishing with Key Events from 1485, especially looking at the monarchy. 

World History covers Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece. 

Local history will be incorporated into many of these topics, especially where there is evidence and artefacts to make it come alive for our pupils.  

There will be many enrichment opportunities, including trips and visitors, whenever possible.  

Historical Skills  

Throughout KS1 and KS2 these three main skills will be taught: 

  • Chronological thinking.
  • Historical Comprehension. This includes cause and effect, where pupils seek to understand the factors that got people into an event, how the event transpired and what happened as a consequence of the event. 
  • Historical Analysis and Interpretation. This includes analysing sources and probing their reliability. 

Thematic Knowledge 

In KS2 pupils will cover the reoccurring themes of Governance, Power, Beliefs and Religion. Pupils will learn about these themes and then draw on comparisons and differences between different points in history.  

Knowledge Organisers

Years 1 and 2 (KS1)


Explorers 2


Heroes 2

Years 3 and 4 (Lower KS2)


Stone Age to Iron Age

Ancient Eygpt

Years 5 and 6 (Upper KS2)

British Monarchy since 1485

